The Most Common Embroidery Mistakes

It is possible to fix many embroidery mistakes. However, the amount of time that needs to be spent correcting embroidery mistakes is long and it can be very aggravating. It is a much better idea to avoid them in the first place. Choosing The Wrong Fabric Make sure to use the correct type of fabric for your embroidery project. Think about the stitching and threads that you will be using. Then, choose a fabric that is compatible with that type of stitching.

Making Paper Business Cards Relevant In A Digital World: Six Ideas For Creating Digital-Friendly Business Cards

Handing out paper business cards in a digital world can feel anachronistic, but these tried-and-true tools are still essential in the world of business. If you've just meet someone you'd like to see again, the paper business card is still the easiest and simplest way to get your information in their hands. Digital alternatives have tried to take over this age-old personal marketing tool, but according to many business analysts, the attempts are "

5 Ways to Add a Festive Holiday Touch to Rack Cards

The holiday season is a great time to reach out to consumers, tourists, and shoppers using rack cards. If you use rack cards on an annual basis, then you may want to consider seasonal cards that can be displayed anytime from September through January. The holiday themes on these cards can grab a person's attention and help increase your business. As you design the seasonal layout for rack card printing, there are five specific elements you can include to create the festive touch.

5 Ways To Make Your Clothing Hang Tags Stand Out And Boost Sales

While you may not need custom hang tags for your first few runs of screen printed t-shirts or customized jeans, you definitely want to upgrade as soon as you can. Hang tags give you an extra space for explaining your brand's value proposition or sharing extra information that didn't fit on the tag inside the garment. If you use some of these five tricks for making the hang tag more noticeable, you may see a corresponding boost in sales too.

Printed Sorority Shirts: The Difference Between Cotton And Ring-Spun Cotton

Experts believe approximately 9 million students across the country join a sorority or a fraternity each year. One of the main benefits of joining a sorority is feeling like you're a part of something, which is why it's important for all sorority sisters to represent their organization by wearing printed sorority shirts. If you're responsible for getting the shirts for your sorority, you have the responsibility of making sure your shirts stand out from all of the others.